You may have heard of heard of "Casual Friday" before. Casual Friday is for suckers! We prefer to celebrate the ending of the workweek with Formal Friday.
The Sonnet
F0r the longest time, a sonnet was expected to conform to a specific rhyme scheme and meter. The most common type of sonnet among poets writing in English is the Elizabethan sonnet or Shakespearean sonnet.
The Shakespearean sonnet is comprised of three quatrains and an ending couplet. It is written on Iambic Pentameter and follows rhyme scheme of a-b-a-b -c-d-c-d- e-f-e-f- g-g.
Many contemporary poets have written sonnets in blank verse.
An example of a Shakespearean sonnet.
The Sestina
An example of a sestina.
The Villanelle
An example of a villanelle.