Planning A Poetry Book Tour Seminar Series
May 29th - June 1st, 2022
As many of you know, the publishers of Local Gems Press have launched books and anthologies in many countries and many US states. Many of you have met them while they’ve been on tour. They have had, over 100 successful poetry events in many different places and people often ask them about what goes into planning a poetry book tour and how they can do the same thing. James P. Wagner (Ishwa) and Nick Hale, in this series, go into all the details behind planning a tour.
To make this series even more special, we have instructional interviews from two other well-known, well-traveled poets, publishers and Laureates to get their thoughts, insights and ideas on the topic as well.
Series Includes:
George Wallace is first and former Poet Laureate of Suffolk County, NY and first National Beat Poet Laureate of the US, Writer in Residence for The Walt Whitman Birthplace and author of almost 40 books of poetry. Winner of countless awards, he has planned poetry tours all around the world.
Paul Richmond is publisher for Human Error Publishing and former National Beat Poet Laureate for the state of MA and for the United States. He has planned poetry events and tours all over the US and in several other countries.
In This Series You Will Learn:
How To Get Gigs
Learn the various ways to get gigs and features to start and add to your poetry tour. How to connect with hosts, venues, etc.
Organizing Your Press Pack
Learn the best ways to put together a press pack to promote yourself without having to be there. What do organizers and hosts look for an expect, and what to conventions, festivals, and fairs want to see as well?
How To Make Gigs Breed More Gigs
Learn the various ways to start with a "bread and butter" first gig in an area and expand to multiple gigs.
The Three Main Ways To Add Slots on Tour
There are three main approaches to adding events on a tour (or planning a tour to begin with) learn all three ways and which might work best for you (or a combination.)
Networking Advice From Those Who Have Done It
Learn the tried and true methods that these touring Poets, Publishers and Laureates have used for years.
And Much More...
The Schedule:
Day 1:
James P. Wagner (Ishwa) and Nick Hale: Video Seminar Available After 10:00 AM EST
Day 2:
George Wallace and James P. Wagner (Ishwa) : Video Seminar Available After 10:00 AM EST
Day 3:
Paul Richmond and James P. Wagner (Ishwa): Video Seminar Available After 10:00 AM EST
Day 4:
Q&A and Series Conclusion: Live Seminar With Local Gems Publishers: 7:00PM EST
How Does It Work:
Register below claim your spot. (Spots are limited)
Every day of the series you will get an email with the links you need to watch the seminars.
The link to the zoom seminars will also be sent to your email several hours before we go live.
Contact [email protected] if there are any problems.
What If I Can't Make The Time?
Got something the time of the live broadcasts? The benefits of being virtual is flexibility. Everyone who signs up will be given the recordings of the live seminars after completion.
Every day of the series you will get an email with the links you need to watch the seminars.
The link to the zoom seminars will also be sent to your email several hours before we go live.
Contact [email protected] if there are any problems.
What If I Can't Make The Time?
Got something the time of the live broadcasts? The benefits of being virtual is flexibility. Everyone who signs up will be given the recordings of the live seminars after completion.
Seminar Series Registration:
($80 Value) Spots Are Limited
On the left tell us your name, email address (a real one, because that's how we will send you the information you will need) and tell us what you are most interested in learning in the virtual seminar.
Once you submit the form, you will be taken to the order page where you will be able to purchase your ticket to the seminar.