shut up and read
don’t take me for mean
rude, harsh or abrupt but
poet, shut up and read already
this is not the time to tell us
where you were, what day of the week,
what time of day, was it raining canines
when this thunderbolt of insight spiked you
how this poem birthed from your fertile imagination
with labored pains of frustration, immolation of cliches
a reading is not the time for dribbling about creation
not the time for sniffing about how you like this new offspring
nor how much slash ‘n burn it requires to collar you
not the time for bonafide-o doggerel
don’t tell us what blazes in the poem
not the time for a line by line byline
of what you meant to write but didn’t
not the time to tell us in five minutes
what your one minute poem is about
not the time for dripping enthusiasm
not the time for spewing commentary
not the time for telling but showing
show us the lining of the poem’s pocket
show us fresh images rising like dew from morning frost
show us by reading your poem those invisible walls
those boundless edges that frame your words into pictures
show us letter by syllable by word
what emotions, devotions, or evocations
you choose to leash us with
show us; take us on your journey
with all due respect, poet; get to it
shut up and read
~J R Turek