Hosting a Poetry Reading
A Virtual Seminar
There are many different types of poetry readings, and there are many things to figure out when planning one. The publishers of Local Gems Press have hosted poetry readings and tours up and down the East Coast and beyond. They've put together one-off readings, recurring readings, book tours, special events, and more. They are very experienced in advertising their readings and bringing in audiences as high as hundreds of people...yes, for poetry. In this seminar they are going to teach the fundamentals of planning a poetry reading and how to get people to attend. This seminar will be good whether you are planning your first event ever, or have been a veteran host for a dozen years looking to make your readings even better.
Looking to start a reading in your area? Host one for a school club? Maybe you are a librarian looking to bring poetry to your library? This seminar is for you. |
Next Virtual Seminar:
8:30 pm EST
In This Seminar You Will Learn:
How To Plan Your Reading
~ Learn about the various types of poetry readings and help define the type you are looking to do.
How To Secure A Venue
~The publishers of Local Gems will go over the various places that are good for hosting a poetry reading, as well as some options most never consider.
How To Make A Great Show
~ Open-Mic? Featured Reader? Anthology Marathon Reading? Learn about the various ways to make a show that will attract patrons.
How To Attract and Audience
~ Local Gems Press is famous for huge attendance at our events. The publishers will go over the various ways to market your event and bring people to your show.
The Pros and Cons of Live VS Virtual Events
~ The pandemic made virtual events much more popular, learn about the pros and cons of virtual vs live events, and the ways to utilize both.
and much more...
How Does It Work?
Register below claim your spot. (Spots are limited)
Follow the Paypal link back here to get the zoom link.
Join us for the live seminar.
The link to the zoom seminar will also be sent to your email several hours before we go live.
Contact [email protected] if there are any problems.
What If I Can't Make The Time?
Got something the time of the live broadcast? The benefits of being virtual is flexibility. Everyone who signs up will be given the recording of the live seminar after it is completed.