Publishing Your Poetry
An Online Course
Jan 15th - 19th, 2025
Writing poetry and publishing poetry are two different things. Many poets find getting their first few publications to be the hardest.
The publishers of Local Gems Press have launched books and anthologies in many countries and many US states, including over 120 anthologies. They have given seminars and talks on publishing talks virtually and in person and are here to offer a special series about getting one's poetry published. Using their knowledge of the trade from behind the scenes, they aim to arm the listeners with enough knowledge to change the rejection/acceptance ratio in their favor, and to help them find more opportunities for publishing their work.
The publishers of Local Gems Press have launched books and anthologies in many countries and many US states, including over 120 anthologies. They have given seminars and talks on publishing talks virtually and in person and are here to offer a special series about getting one's poetry published. Using their knowledge of the trade from behind the scenes, they aim to arm the listeners with enough knowledge to change the rejection/acceptance ratio in their favor, and to help them find more opportunities for publishing their work.
Series Includes:
In This Series You Will Learn:
How To Get Your Poems In A Row
Learn the various ways to prepare for the submission process, what you will need to get started, and how to make sure you hit the ground running to increase your chances of acceptance.
Understanding The Different Poetry Markets
Learn about the various markets including journals, magazines, anthologies, etc, what is different about them, and the nuance for submitting to each one.
How To Research Publications To Submit To
Learn where to look to find live, current publishing markets that would be eager to take a look at your writing.
How To Make Your Existing Publications Create More Opportunities
Learn how to use your new or existing success to create even more success and breed even more opportunities and how to make publishers want to continue to publish your poetry.
Other Ways To Publish Your Poetry
In addition to the tried and true publishing markets that have been used for years, learn about many of the new ways people are publishing their work with a lot of success.
And Much More...
The Schedule:
January 15th:
Getting Your Poems in a Row: Video Seminar Available After 10:00 AM EST
January 16th:
Understanding The Different Markets : Video Seminar Available After 10:00 AM EST
January 17th:
Researching Places To Submit : Video Seminar Available After 10:00 AM EST
January 18th:
Generating More Publications : Video Seminar Available After 10:00 AM EST
January 19th:
Other Ways To Publish Poetry : Video Seminar Available After 10:00 AM EST
How Does It Work:
Register below claim your spot. (Spots are limited)
Every day of the series you will get an email with the links you need to watch the seminars.
Contact [email protected] if there are any problems.
What If I Can't Make The Time?
Got something the time of the live broadcasts? The benefits of being virtual is flexibility. Everyone who signs up will be given the recordings of the live seminars after completion.
Every day of the series you will get an email with the links you need to watch the seminars.
Contact [email protected] if there are any problems.
What If I Can't Make The Time?
Got something the time of the live broadcasts? The benefits of being virtual is flexibility. Everyone who signs up will be given the recordings of the live seminars after completion.