Writing in an eBook WorldPublishers and Authors for years have been worried that eBooks were going to replace physical books. Trends and articles for half a decade said that it was the inevitable direction things were going in. But it's not true. Print books are not going anywhere. But eBooks aren't either! In fact, print book and eBooks blend together and compliment each other in ways that are beneficial to authors and publishers like never before.
Upcoming Seminar:
In This Course You Will Learn:
Sales Facts and Figures
~How eBooks and print books do financially in comparison to each other.
Best-Selling eBook Techniques
~Find out what techniques best-selling authors are using with eBooks to compliment their print book sales.
Best Categories
~ In some genres eBooks dominate the market, in others, print books still have the learn. Learn which ones, and why.
Publishing Options
~ Discover the multitudes of ways to publish and sell (or gift) eBooks online and how to use them to increase your audience.
and much more...
Make your purchase, follow the link back to the website here to download your files and get the link to the live airing. Listen to the audio content and follow along with the slides! There is the added bonus of a few write in questions that were answered by the publishers.