General Submission Guidelines
- At this time, we do not accept physical submissions. All submissions must be sent electronically via e-mail.
- Please read the specific guidelines for each anthology before submitting.
- Please send your submission to the e-mail address given in the anthology's specific guidelines.
- Your submissions should fit the theme and mission statement of the anthology. See the anthology's specific guidelines for more details.
- Send a short (3-4 lines) third-person bio with your poems. Keep in mind that our anthologies will be in print, so exclude long URLs .
- Please submit poems both in the body of the e-mail and as one text attachment. We accept all of the following commonly used attachment types: doc, docx, rtf, txt, pdf. No image files or obscure formats, please.
- Please include the word "submission" in the subject line so your e-mail will be filed properly.
- Submissions should be sent in by the deadline. Most submissions close at 11:59 pm EST on the day of the deadline.
- If you have a question about a specific anthology, please e-mail it to the designated e-mail address and include "question" in the subject line. Otherwise, your question may not be seen in a timely manner.
Please Do Not
- Send submissions for multiple anthologies to the same address or send your submissions to any address other than the one specifically designated for that anthology.
- Add anthology e-mails or the general Local Gems e-mail to your contacts list or auto-responder. These are business e-mails and shouldn't be getting notices about book updates, readings, etc... If you ask, the editors may be willing to let you add their personal e-mails to your list so that they can get updates.
- Send social networking invites to anthology e-mails. Again, if you want to add the editors to your Facebook or LinkedIn etc... network, please inquire about it first. The anthology e-mail addresses are not owned and maintained by any one person.