A sparrow broke my heart this week
Flying headfirst into a window he didn’t see
A loud thump, a fall, a shattered misshapen body
A silent cry in pain, an eye that locked onto my own
I stroked his softly feathered body, speaking words of mercy
A small box lined with an old washcloth – my attempt at comfort
As his breath diminished from rapid to hardly noticeable to absent
A sparrow broke my heart this week
Thomas Zampino’s first book of poetry, Precise Moment, was published in 2021. His second book of poetry, synchronicity, was published in 2023 by Southern Arizona Press. In 2024, he published Petrichor, also by Southern Arizona Press. You can follow him at thomaszampino.wordpress.com.
Flying headfirst into a window he didn’t see
A loud thump, a fall, a shattered misshapen body
A silent cry in pain, an eye that locked onto my own
I stroked his softly feathered body, speaking words of mercy
A small box lined with an old washcloth – my attempt at comfort
As his breath diminished from rapid to hardly noticeable to absent
A sparrow broke my heart this week
Thomas Zampino’s first book of poetry, Precise Moment, was published in 2021. His second book of poetry, synchronicity, was published in 2023 by Southern Arizona Press. In 2024, he published Petrichor, also by Southern Arizona Press. You can follow him at thomaszampino.wordpress.com.