Getting Your Book In Stores
There are hundreds of thousands of books published every single year. Whereas once upon a time, it was common practice for books to find their way into brick and mortar stores, a large percentage of books published or printed today never find their way into a traditional bookstore, or a store of any kind.
The publishers of Local Gems Press (in addition to owning a book store!) have made many deals with physical retailers to carry their books. In this seminar they aim to cover this highly-requested topic.
In This Seminar You Will Learn:
Traditional Publishing Distribution
~ Learn about the traditional publishing model for getting books in stores and how that may or may not apply to your book.
How To Convince Stores Your Book Is A Good Match
~Learn how to approach retailers in a way that makes your book stick out from the crowd and makes them find value in adding your book to their shelves.
The Biggest Mistakes Authors Make
~Learn how to avoid several mistakes that most authors make that make stores immediately reject their book for consideration, and several other key mistakes to avoid.
Negotiating Consignment Deals
~ Learn the various ways to make deals with stores including consignment deals, outright selling, and renting shelf-space.
Getting Your Book In Stores OTHER Than Book Stores
~ There are so many other retail stores than book stores out there, many of them sell books or could be talked into selling boos under the right circumstances. Learn about the many other options...
and much more...