What Are Your Poetry Goals?
As many of you know, Local Gems Press is always making new courses, seminars, challenges and content for our ever-growing email list of poetry enthusiasts!
But as many of you who have attended our seminars know, we often say that "your solution depends on your goals...and everyone's goals are different!" and so a lot of the seminars and courses are created in a general sense, because everyone's specific goals for their writing are different! And everyone is in a different spot in their journey! Some of you care a lot more about writing exercises, some of you about publishing specifics and others about how to sell more books! |
We Are Interested In Hearing From You!
In order to help us craft and create new courses, seminars, challenges etc to meet your needs, are interested in hearing from you about what it is you are looking for. We might already have the course or service for what it is you are looking for, and if not, we can create it!
It would be a great help (to both of us!) if you could fill out the form below answering a few questions about your poetry goals and what you want to see more from us!
We will respond from a localgems email address to your answers!
It would be a great help (to both of us!) if you could fill out the form below answering a few questions about your poetry goals and what you want to see more from us!
We will respond from a localgems email address to your answers!
Please fill out the form above with as many answers from the questions on the right as possible!
Questions To Answer: